Monday, January 22, 2007

Number 2

Semester two just started today and it was kind of exciting. I am one of those people who actually like going to school first day of second semester. I like to see my new classes and the new people in them with me. I like my classes this semester and once again it should be pretty easy. Tonight I will go to a basketball game with one of my friends and we will go to Jimmy Johns for dinner! This will only be the second time I've gone there, but it's good!!!

Saturday, January 20, 2007


Today I went to work. I work at an interior design place and it is a pretty easy job. I only work on the weekends but thats enough for me becuase i tend to be busy during the week. I am on a little lunch break right now and will have to go back soon. The store tends to be slow after 1pm so I will not be doing too much when i get back. Well off to work I go!

Friday, January 19, 2007


today i got my blog site! This is my first time using this sort of thing, but I am very excited, like first day of school style. I had my last finals of first semester today, and boy am I glad they are done. They were pretty easy, but I am still happy that they are out of the way. Until next time!