Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

Today is November 25, and you know what that means.... Thanksgiving time!! Yes I am one of those people who love the dinner; mash potatoes, corn, rolls, and turkey with lots of ketchup! Before I head to my family's Thanksgiving I have a few things I have to finish at school. Well today I was not very productive. It started off well with Speech and First Aid/Coaching class, then I decided to spend my last hours with my friends rather than going to my last three classes. Have no fear my grades will not be bad. I plan to spend all next week in the library catching up and getting ready for finals. Well its about that time. Everyone have a wonderful Turkeyday!!!!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

So Much to Say!

Wow so much to say! This past weekend was very eventful for me. I went up north to compete in a duathlon (5k run, 22mi bike, 5k run). I guess it would have been better if I had prepared for it, but I finished!! and boy was I exhausted! I also got to visit some relatives that I haven't seen in almost a year, so that was a good time. Tonight on the otherhand, I have a very important volleyball game. My team (the Cougars) made it to the playoffs and we have a good chance of going all the way! Well wish me luck!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm Back!

Haha wow so I forgot I had this blog for about a year now! My deepest apologies to all you faithful bloggers out there. I guess I have just been real busy and excited with college. I know, excuses excuses. Right now I am actually in the computer lab, taking a break from writing my big paper on human genetic engineering. I just wanted to stop in and leave a note. Have no fear though, it won't be a year before you hear from me again! So until next time...